What does a Packaging Designer do?

Packaging Designer

Discover the profession of packaging designer and how to embark on this career path. Choose Domus Academy for your training!

Packaging Designer
What is a packaging designer?

The role of a packaging designer is dedicated to the design of packages and packaging.

The objective of this professional figure is to make any packaging a perfect communication tool able to attract the consumer, to convey product specifications, and brand identity.

Here are some of the key responsibilities a packaging designer might have:

– researching and studying of market trends
– creation of creative concepts
– developing of mock-ups
– selection of materials
– collaboration and relations with suppliers and customers.

The skills of the packaging designer start from a solid artistic and technical basis. For example, this figure will need to demonstrate the following hard skills:

– Adobe Illustrator, to create layouts and vector graphics
– Adobe Photoshop, to manage images
– CAD software such as SolidWorks, Rhino or Autodesk Inventor, to model the designed packaging in 3D
– rendering software such as KeyShot, to present designs realistically.

But they will also need to maintain focus on two essential aspects that will determine the success of their work:

all-round sustainability, starting with the choice of materials that have the least possible impact in terms of raw materials, transport, disposal;
usability, making sure that the packaging designed is accessible, easy to understand and use.

Nowadays, several realities need the figure of the packaging designer, such as:

– design studios
– communication agencies
– specialised packaging and design studios
– research and development cent
– corporate marketing departments.

Often, the profession of packaging designer is a freelance one, offering one’s creative talents to clients who require specific projects, with the possibility of working on more than one project and quickly increasing one’s portfolio and experience.

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