Begüm Şardan
Begüm Şardan
Begüm Şardan

After her graduation from Domus she gained significant work experience working at Progetto CMR, contributing to large-scale projects. In 2021, she participated in two projects that were exhibited in the Italian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale and at the beginning of 2022, her group project won the first prize in the Social Furniture Design Competition by Particle.

In 2023, she returned to Istanbul where she won City of Creation | Ville Genesis Award for the HackCity Competition, powered by the PIXCity DAO based in China. In the same year she founded her own practice, Şardan Architecture & Design, in Istanbul.

The firm focuses on multidisciplinary projects across architecture, urban design, interior design, and product design, aiming for international recognition through distinct and transformative projects.

Begüm Şardan

“Attending Domus Academy was a profoundly inspiring experience that played a pivotal role in my career. It served as a guiding light for significant steps in my professional journey and was instrumental in my self-discovery as a designer. The academy’s unique environment, which brought us together with industry luminaries, provided unparalleled support and motivation!”

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