Nikhil Khemchadani
Nikhil Khemchadani
Nikhil Khemchadani

“I had come to Italy to attend an exchange program in 2017, and that’s when I had fallen in love with this country, Milan especially. So, when I had to move there to attend my Master in Fashion Management in 2021 It didn’t feel like I was going to a foreign land: it felt like I was coming back home. So, if I had to describe Domus Academy or Milan in one quote I would say it’s a ‘Home away from Home’.

I grew a year older and celebrated my 24th birthday here in Italy. I also celebrated one of my Indian festival ‘Holi’ in Milan. I traveled, explored new places and had fun while working with my colleagues too.

P.S.: One of the images would explain how much I love eating sweets.”

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