UNFOLD will take place in the fascinating frame of BASE Milano, a must-see venue at the core of the historical Tortona Design District, that gather during Milan Design weeks an average of more than 50.000 unique visitors.
UNFOLD will take place in the fascinating frame of BASE Milano, a must-see venue at the core of the historical Tortona Design District, that gather during Milan Design weeks an average of more than 50.000 unique visitors.
UNFOLD will consist of:
A 6-days exhibition of the prototypes developed by students from 6 international design schools, including Domus Academy, called upon to address some of the global challenges of our time with proposals that laverage design both as a problem-solving discipline and as a form of communication and relationship that transcends boundaries and differences.
April 16th-21st, open access
Tue-Sat 10.30am – 8.00pm
Sun 10.30am – 6.00pm
“Unfolding complexities: design for sense-making” conference in which students and faculty will present their projects and the creative process behind them. The involved universities are: BAU College of Arts and Design, Barcelona; College for Creative Studies, Detroit; Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava; Strate Ecole de Design, Sèvres; Nottingham Trent. Also on display are projects by students from Domus Academy Masters in Product Design, Service Design and Visual Brand Design, who analyzed challenges and opportunities of the given theme by creating two prototypes.
April 18th, 9.30am – 5pm
By invitation only
“Design for complexity: plural perspectives on systems ambiguity” roundtable an unprecedented chance to explore tangible solutions for understanding and overcoming the complexities of our time through design thanks to the experience and knowledge of four international talents. With the participation of Silvio Lorusso, Allison Rowe, Georgina Voss, Matt Webb.
April 18th, 6pm – 7.30pm
By invitation only, online streaming available here