On 25th September 2021 in the historical building of Chiaravalle village, students of the Master’s Programmes in Interaction Design, Service Design and Urban Vision & Architectural Design, will present the project realized in collaboration with Comune di Milano and Terzo Paesaggio on sustainability and air pollution themes, to develop a new energy model for the cities of the future.
Master’s Programme in Urban Vision & Architectural Design students have worked in collaboration with Terzo Pesaggio to explore the concept of a school as a sustainable architecture, following “Life Long Learning” model of education.
They will show, scenarios, drawings and rendering exploring the potentials of a new sustainable school.
On 25th September 2021 in the historical building of Chiaravalle village, students of the Master’s Programmes in Interaction Design, Service Design and Urban Vision & Architectural Design, will present the project realized in collaboration with Comune di Milano and Terzo Paesaggio on sustainability and air pollution themes, to develop a new energy model for the cities of the future.
Master’s Programme in Urban Vision & Architectural Design students have worked in collaboration with Terzo Pesaggio to explore the concept of a school as a sustainable architecture, following “Life Long Learning” model of education.
They will show, scenarios, drawings and rendering exploring the potentials of a new sustainable school.
They have analysed materials and innovative design projects focusing on dimensions, complexities and individual components of building.
Comune di Milano has involved the Master’s Programmes in Interaction Design and Service Design students in the “We Are Energy” project. Students have designed digital and physical platforms, services, experiences, interactive devices aimed at the creation of an Energy Community, awaring citizens and stakeholders on atmospheric pollution and increase of local temperature themes, to promote the idea of a Carbon Neutral City.
Event in collaboration with European Commission, NRG2 PEERS, Comune di Milano, ALL 4 CLIMATE, NGR2 PEERS ROADSHOW CHIARAVALLE
See you on September 25th at 3.30 PM CEST Circolo Arci Pessina, Via San Bernardo 17, Chiaravalle.